Tuesday, July 8, 2014

African Circus Project

What is the African Circus Project?

The African Circus Project targets 4 areas:

How does the African Circus Project raise money?
Performing shows, selling t-shirts, donations, other merchandise

Who performs at an African Circus Project Show?
Aero-Silk Gymnast, Juggler and Hooper, Singer, and Dancer each portraying a project and an African way of life 

Where does the money go?
50% to the above projects- sent directly to World Vision
50% to the African Circus Project teams' mission trip to Africa

Who are we?
We are a group of college students committed to following Jesus, helping others, and using our talents to honor God. We love Christ, love Africa, and love advocating about human rights to our friends and people around us. This small group is committed to each other, committed to group and individual fundraising, and committed to going to Africa for 3 weeks in the summer of 2016 God-willing. This group commits to work hard, be honest, and show Jesus in everything we do.

Positions for the African Circus Project Team:

Juggle/ Hooper: Brooke Bernhardt
Aerial Silks Artist:
African Dancer:
Media and Publicity: 
PR (scheduling events and publicity):
Fundraising (lead ordering and selling of merchandise and writing to various companies and friends):

What is the plan? 
The plan is two years long starting in 2014. The first semester, there will be group meetings every other week that will last about 2 hours. After each group meeting, individual members will receive assignments and work on constructing acts, t-shirts, promotional materials, and putting a show together.
2nd semester we will continue to have meetings twice a month as well as one performance each month. The performances will probably be close by. The following year we will continue with once a month shows. Starting second semester 2014 we will begin with fundraising ideas like selling shirts and other merchandise at the shows and at Southern. Summer of 2016 we will travel to Africa, God willing, with adult chaperones from World Vision and help the communities, visit orphanages, help put in wells, and give out food.

How Will We Raise Enough Money for Africa?
Because going to Africa is expensive, group members must be willing to commit to personal as well as group fundraising. The tickets to the shows will cost around $3 and we will sell t-shirts for $15. Letters will be written to companies and donors as well as family friends. Aside from this group members need to make sure that they are raising money because costs will be between $2,000 and $5,000 a person.

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